Summer is Over

The Tip

Well, it was a nice summer break from blogging Cybersecurity, but the new school year is well underway and it’s time to start thinking Cybersecurity again. This week is not so much a tip as it is a greeting and notice of good things to come.

The Detail

October marks the beginning of Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Throughout the month, institutions around the world will be working to bring more awareness and provide resources to deal with increasingly important issues around Cybersecurity. Throughout October, Nipissing will bring several topics to light. The government of Canada also has a terrific website for Cybersecurity Awareness Month. I’ll be featuring content from there over the next few weeks.

In the meantime, it’s always a good idea to be thinking about password habits. Why not revisit this first issue of the Nipissing Cybersecurity Newsletter from November of last year, where we discuss ‘Passwords vs Passphrases’?

Special Bonus Tip

If you only do one thing to greatly enhance your e-mail security, enable multi-factor authentication now. It’s easy to do, and easy to use. Talk to UTS today or consult your favourite search engine.

If you have more questions about these topics, please contact UTS and we’d be happy to offer what guidance we can. There is also a wealth of information to be found using your favourite search engine.